Thursday, March 25, 2010

Essentially Good For The Hair: ROSEMARY OIL (3-25-10)

Are you experiencing thinning hair, dandruff, or hair loss? If so, rosemary oil may be a solution to your problem. Rosemary has a stimulating effect . When applied to the hair and scalp, it aids in stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and thus promotes healthy hair growth.

Rosemary oil can be used to treat hair loss by stimulating the hair follicles. It also helps to prevent premature graying as well.

Dandruff issues can be alleviated with the use of rosemary oil. Blending it into a carrier oil, such olive oil, and applying it to the scalp does wonders to an itchy scalp covered with dandruff.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Essentially Good For The Hair: LEMON OIL (3-24-10)

Experiencing dry scalp? A common misconception about oily hair is that it is caused by an oily scalp. Usually, it is the complete opposite. A dry scalp causes the oil glands in the scalp to produce more oil, and once on the scalp, this excess oil transfers to the hair itself. Therefore, to treat oily hair, one of the best things to do is focus on the dry scalp.

Lemon oil works well to treat cases of dry scalp. Blend with other essential oils into a carrier oil (such as olive or jojoba oil) and apply directly to the scalp or blend with other essential oils into distilled water and use as a spray mist. Lemon oil also helps with dandruff, lice, and under active sebaceous glands.

Tightly textured hair and/or curly hair tend to be more dry and can benefit from lemon essential oil. Lemon oil should only be used on hair that is too oily as it has a tendency to dramatically dry out the hair after just one washing or rinse.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Essential Oil of the Week (March 15-21, 2010): BERGAMOT - Therapeutic Uses

Bergamot has several therapeutic uses. Medicinally, Bergamot can be used to aid in the relief of symptoms associated with the common cold, chest/throat complaints, and minor issues with the digestive system.

Bergamot oil can be used to alleviate anxiety and nervous tension, along with tension and pain associated with tight muscles. It is destructive to viruses and helps to boost the immune system. It relieves spasms and cramps, therefore, it is effective in reducing and eliminating abdominal cramps and spastic coughing.

Topically, Bergamot can be used to on the skin (diluted) to help with psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

I'm sure there are even more uses of bergamot, however, I just wanted to mention a few of the important ones.

NEXT POST: Bergamot - Safety Precautions

Monday, March 15, 2010

Essential Oil of the Week (March 15-21, 2010): BERGAMOT - Its Origin

Bergamot, also known as Bergamot orange and "citrus bergamia" is made from a tree that can grow up to 4 meters tall. The tree includes flowers that are white and highly fragrant. The flowers mature into citrus fruit, resembling a flattened lemon. The fruit ripens from green to yellow.

Bergamot is native to South East Asia and commercially grown in Europe, particularly Italy. It is also found in the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Its name is derived from the city Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where the oil was first sold.

Bergamot is seldom eaten raw, but is rather candied or processed to get the essential oils it contains. The oil is extracted via "cold pressed" or cold extraction from the rind of both ripe and unripe fruit. It is well-known for its strong and pleasant scent, that is used in the perfume industry, and is part of the bergamot flavored teas, such as Earl Grey tea. The scent is citrus with a sweet, warm, spicy floral aroma.

Bergamot oil is widely used in aromatherapy and one of the favorites among the essential oils.

NEXT POST: Bergamot and Its Uses

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hi there! My name is KeAndri Talley, owner of Natural and Free, LLC, a company specializing in Natural Hair Care (Sisterlocks™/Brotherlocks™) and Aromatherapy. I am a Chemist, Trained Sisterlocks™ Consultant, and soon-to-be Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. I am also a Wife, Mother, and Christian.

Over the years, I have become more and more interested in the "natural" way of life...learning to make more natural, simple and non-toxic choices. The first natural, simple, and non-toxic choice I made occurred in 2008 when I decided to stop using chemical hair relaxers. In doing so, I chose Sisterlocks™, a natural hair care system free of chemicals for individuals with tightly textured hair, to begin my natural hair journey with. It was one of THE best decision I've made!!! I am now wearing my hair, in its natural state, in small, stylable locks. Consequently, I decided to take the Sisterlocks™ Training Course to become trained as a Sisterlocks™ Consultant.

Shortly after making the decision to "go natural" with my hair, I acquired a new hobby of experimenting with essential oils to make natural perfumes. Everyone knows...Chemists LOVE mixing things together!!! I found delight, relaxation, and curiosity in mixing and making wonderful-smelling perfume blends...Plush, Velvet, and name a few.

In November of 2009, I started Natural and Free, LLC as a company specializing in Sisterlocks™/Brotherlocks™...with the vision of incorporating Natural and Free Aroma, the company's product line of essential goods, into its formation.

Now...marks the beginning to yet another natural, simple and non-toxic become a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. I hope to bring awareness to as many people as possible about how essential oils are wonderful, plant-based substances for supporting health and wellness.